2 min readJan 29, 2021


New technologies and ideas are coming out of crypto markets every now and then. We are akways learning to catch up the pace of time in crypto market. As the Decentralized Finance(DeFi) became popular in 2020, this trend becomes more and more irresistible.

OptionRoom is a brand new Defi protocol which leveraged the advantages from the latest technologies of other hot Defi concepts with its own creativities of self-sustainable mechanism. So what really makes this apart from others.

1. OaaS: User governed Oracle as a service

Oracle is playing a key part for many Dapps. It has the ability to serve as an OaaS — Oracle as a Service where oracle requests are solved by governance. Unlike some other oracle protocol which depends on one or few data source, OptionRoom will provide a solid and more reliable Oracle service.

2. LP mining and Dual token model

Unlike other single token protocols, OptionRoom has its original design of dual token model: ROOM serving as the utility token of OptionRoom and COURT serving as the governance token of the protocol. The governance token COURT can only be obtained by providing liquidity/staking the utility token ROOM. This design will generate incentives for ROOM token holder to participate Liquidity Mining.

3. Self-sustainable and User incentives

Protocol fees fuel a buyback mechanism. The founders of OptionRoom receive no percentage of the protocol fees. OptionRoom also rewards protocol and governance participants. Pools creators get rewarded with a percentage of the pool winnings, creating an incentive to promote their pools. According to this properly designed mechanism, OptionRoom has the potential to provide profits for its users in the long term.

4. User governed forecast market protocol

OptionRoom allows users to create and participate in event derivatives that are pegged to real-world outcomes by governance consensus. A properly designed prediction market will attract many users to OptionRoom platform even they have never touched crypto before.

5. Built on Polkadot

Another major feature for OptionRoom is that it is built on Polkadot. Polkadot is the flagship project by Web3 Foundation, a Swiss Foundation founded to facilitate a fully functional and user-friendly decentralized web. Its parity technologies make OptionRoom possible to become a highly scalable and sustainable Defi Platform.

